Last weekend I attended the Crossroads Writers Conference in Macon, Georgia. The weather was perfect to gather with a group of like-minded writers. Macon’s downtown is charming, with a vital arts base.


Steve Jobs (1955-2011) Steve Jobs was an iconic visionary who transcended technology. He was both an out-of-box thinker and a creative genius.  Because of him, we are more connected than


Jim Geiger. Photo by Leland Holder. Companies often say that their employees are their most valued asset. But, few actually live those values.  I know of one exception, though —


    This beautiful tribute to the late Cindy Gwynn, who passed away last January after an eight-year battle with breast cancer, was written by her younger sister, Marcia Coatsworth.


A view of the Twin Towers nine days before September 11th.                           Photo by Anne Wainscott Like everyone in


I am finally taking a breath after the long Labor Day weekend and work week to share some thoughts from this year’s DragonCon.  For the second year, I braved the


Some nights, all of the things I know for sure — should be able to count on, like gravity and oxygen and sunrise — lose their power over me. I


If Lucille Ball was alive today, she would be a century old. Born in Jamestown, New York, on August 6, 1911, Ball went on to become one of America’s most beloved


Ever wondered how to maximize your online presence through Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Stacy Williams, Search Advisory Net blogger and president of Atlanta-based search engine marketing firm, Prominent Placement, Inc.,


Photo credit: Warner Brothers. I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part II a week after its record-setting opening weekend, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The opening scene begins with
