Given my blog’s focus on storytelling and writing, films are often a source of inspiration for my posts. After all, every memorable movie began with words on


  “At forty-two, I had never done anything that took my own breath away, and I suppose now that was part of the problem–my chronic inability to astonish myself. I


John Irving. I read a profile on John Irving last night in TIME. The American novelist, who penned his first novel at age 26 in 1968 and went on to


Today’s guest blogger is Sean Hastings, the youngest member of my spring writer’s group. At 16, Sean already has demonstrated a knack for writing about espionage and the clandestine arm


Every Thursday this month I will feature experts who have sage advice to help writers succeed as storytellers. My sources will include publishing experts, marketing gurus and established writers and


A year ago this week, I celebrated the magic of children’s stories in a blog post, “Writing Wisdom of Children’s Books.” I shared how reading to my kids was the one


    Today begins the WordCount Blogathon, Michelle Rafter’s annual challenge to get bloggers blogging every day in the month of May. I participated for the first time last year


“Your brother was loved by his fellow Marines, and he loved them. The biggest fear any of us had over there wasn’t being killed —it was screwing up and doing


Union nurse Nellie Chase was known by Civil War soldiers as the Florence Nightingale of her time — a driven young woman who overcame personal hardship to serve her country


      Communication evangelist Steve Crescenzo says it’s never been a more exciting time to be a corporate communicator. Why? Because of all the new tools available for communicators
