As writers, deadlines are a part of life, whether you churn out copy daily for a blog or newspaper column, or you are working on your next best seller.


One guilty pleasure I have on Sunday mornings is reading Parade Magazine. The May 1st issue was devoted to “numbers” – one nation, 50 states, over 300 million people….and a lot of


My children know the magic of books. Since before they could talk, my husband and I have read to them nearly every night. Reading was one constant in our family’s evening


Evidence of social media’s explosion onto the business landscape is everywhere. More than 250 million people use Facebook Connect every month. Since April, Twitter has gained 40 million users, according


World Trade Center, Post 9/11 Attack, 2001 Do you remember where you were on 9/11? I do – that bright September morning 10 years ago I was in my apartment


“When two people are meant to be together, they will be together. It’s fate.” – Jacob Jankowski, Water For Elephants Tonight I accompanied my friend and dad to see the


How often do we as communicators fail to hit the mark in reaching and engaging our audiences? Communications consultant and IABC Toronto member Donna Papacosta, owner of boutique communications firm,


“A very cool post on building brand ambassadors and the importance of cultivating bloggers to extend your company’s message.” Blogger communities can help promote — or doom — companies, products,


According to Social Media Examiner, blogging is the top media tool for 2011, based on a survey of 1,900 marketers that the blog site interviewed in 2010. Half said they


SoCon11 Celebrates Five Year Anniversary of Social Media Networking Atlanta Daybook
