“At forty-two, I had never done anything that took my own breath away, and I suppose now that was part of the problem–my chronic inability to astonish myself. I


Good biographies chronicle a person’s life, serving as honest portraits that take you through the lows and the highs of a life well lived.  Great biographies transport you there —


In observance of this Memorial Day weekend, I share three books — two works of historical fiction and one non-fiction work– that memorably capture a soldier’s struggles and experiences in wars past and present.     The Killer


Ever read a book aloud to a child where you were immediately mesmerized by its lyrical quality? That doesn’t happen too often in my experience. But it does whenever I pull out 


“When two people are meant to be together, they will be together. It’s fate.” – Jacob Jankowski, Water For Elephants Tonight I accompanied my friend and dad to see the


Yesterday I attended my first BiblioBabes meeting – the monthly book club of members of Women in Technology. The focus of our discussion was Connie Glaser’s and Barbara Smalley’s book,


My blog is normally devoted to talking about communications trends, writing tips, etc. When I headed to Danya International yesterday, a government contractor that works with CDC on health communications


  With the holidays fast approaching, it’s an ideal time to carve out some “you time” – to recharge and renew your creative spark – especially for those of us
